Thursday, July 16, 2009

Should I get a dog or have children?

When I asked Jon if he would accompany me to the SPCA to meet in person the adorable kitten - Banjo Bill - I had found on their website, his response was supposed to be, "No Amber, we don't need to visit the SPCA," but instead his emphatic response was, "Sure, I'd love to go meet kitty with you!!" That was Monday and by Tuesday afternoon, I was on my way home with Banjo in his cardboard kitty crate and a backseat full of cat goodies. So, as prophecied by many of my friends, I am finally on my way to becoming a bonafide cat lady...

Trying to be the best "cat mommy" to Banjo, I've driven home during lunch to spend time with him and have not yet left him alone at night. 13 weeks old, I'm just afraid he would be frightened, confused, or get into something harmful in my absence. I have even cast my hypochondria onto him already thinking he's suffering from a sinus infection...crazy cat lady syndrome is all that is!

So today as I finish up my first week (of a month or so) covering for the absent workman's comp specialist, surrounded by stacks of bizarre injury claims, I hear, "Should I get a dog or have children," from the other side of my cubicle. Well, that solves it, cat was definitely the way to go! He can take care of himself while Jon and I enjoy our first camping trip together. Sayonara Banjo, hello Stone Mountain!!

But seriously, can someone please check on my cat this weekend?